At the Refuge
Below, we've highlighted a few of the more recent "happenings". And if that doesn't inspire you to visit, here's a list of suggested FREE activities:
Participate in a refuge event or program at the Oak Savanna Learning Center.
Whether at an event on just an outing, enjoy the artwork on the new amphitheater at the Oak Savanna Learning Center
Take advantage of the fall waterfowl and deer hunts.
Bring your friends, family, scout troop, or school class to enjoy a nature hike.
Marvel at the sight and sound of bald eagles, sandhill cranes, and trumpeter swans.
Cruise the Wildlife Drive to spot river otters popping their heads in and out of the water or a loon parent feeding its fuzzy chick. (Then record your findings via the iNaturalist app. Our custom Field Guides can help with your idenitifications)
Add to your birding life list. (Our favorite app is eBird!) Check out what's been seen on the Wildlife Drive recently with this eBird link.
Capture a sunset with your camera.
Enjoy the constantly changing palette of wildflowers and grasses. Peruse our phenology guide, Nature's Calendar, to check out what's happening now.
Explore the Blue Hill and Mahnomen Trails on skis or snowshoes.
An educational event, a rare bird sighting, or a deer hunt... no matter the time of year, there is always something going on at the refuge.

Photo by Mark Nicholson
Fall Crane Migration

Typically begins mid-October and ends when local ponds freeze over (usually early December)
The annual migration of Greater Sandhill Cranes can be easily experienced at the refuge. It normally starts in mid-October and lasts until the refuge ponds freeze over.
Monitor the Friends of Sherburne NWR Facebook page for timely announcements
View our downloadable PDF brochure describing where to go and how to watch the prehistoric-seeming birds.
A hint: the parking lot on County Road 70 labeled "For AM and PM viewing" is at GPS coordinates 45.537715800488506, -93.77017334103515. Or let Google Maps guide you there by using the QR code here on your smart phone.
Wildlife Drive Closure

Usually at the first plowable snowfall
The Prairie's Edge Wildlife Drive is managed for three-season motor vehicle, bicycle and hiker access. It is not plowed during the winter so the gates are closed when snowfall makes travel difficult. It will not open until Spring.
Monitor the Friends of Sherburne NWR Facebook page​ for timely announcements.​
A hint: the Entrance to the Wildlife Drive is at GPS coordinates 45.465890457320334 -93.7363825313938.
Christmas Bird Count

Usually mid-December
​In mid to late December the Refuge hosts one of the local Christamas Bird Counts organized by the Audubon Society. ​
Check here for details (dates, localities and how to join): Join the Christmas Bird Count | Audubon
Wildlife Drive Opening

Usually in Spring after the snow leaves the drive
The Prairie's Edge Widlife Drive is managed for three season access for motor vehicles, bikes and hikers. It is not plowed during the winter so tsnow and moisture accumulates all winter.
It will be opened to traffic after all snow is melted and the surface firms up (especially the boggy sections such as the Mile 3 crossroads.)
Monitor the Friends of Sherburne NWR Facebook page​ for timely announcements.
A hint: the Entrance to the Wildlife Drive is at GPS coordinates 45.465890457320334 -93.7363825313938. Let Google Maps guide you there by using the QR code here on your smart phone.
Start/End of Sanctuary

March 1/August 31
The majority of the refuge is designated a wildlife sanctuary and closed to all public access from March 1 to August 31 to allow wildlife to breed and raise their young free from human disturbance. During this time the only areas available for public use are the Wildlife Drive, hiking trails, designated canoe route and fishing access points.
More on what you can do and when in this PDF Public Use Brochure
Volunteering at the Refuge

Any Time, but most outdoor opportunities are in good weather
Volunteering on Refuge Grounds and with Refuge Staff is described at Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge | Get Involved | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (
Or work with the Friends on education, advocacy and support (including elementary school nature education)- see Volunteer | Friends of Sherburne (
Besides our website and social media, we share information about the refuge via Prairie Insider, an e-newsletter sent about once a month. Anyone can subscribe to Prairie Insider; simply fill out the form below!
Prairie's Edge, is a publication that is printed and mailed twice a year and is a benefit that's exclusive to our members. Here are a few of our most recent Prairie's Edge publications:
Refuge Resources
Here's a list of our favorite resources to help you learn something new, connect with others, or just enjoy your experience even more!
The refuge has a wealth of on-line and printed resources as well. Visit their website to learn more.
Sign up for Prairie Insider!
Video by: Bruce Ellingson